The Civic and Parish Church of Bournemouth

Chris Mayne

Chris was a councillor Bournemouth Borough Council for twelve years and represented the Ward of West Southbourne, where he lives, for eight years. Since his term in office as mayor of Bournemouth ended in 2015, Chris has remained a key supporter and fundraiser for all of the Mayor’s charities, raising thousands of pounds over the years.

He is passionate about his home of Bournemouth, and Southbourne, and will does his utmost in helping maintain the high standards which have been set over there and has been pivotal in many of the successful local community events which Southbourne has become renowned for over recent years.

As ex-head chorister at St Peter’s Church in Bournemouth Town Centre, Chris still helps raise money to maintain the wonderful Grade I listed building, to keep it open 7-days a week for all members of the community to use, chairing their fundraising charity arm, The Friends of St Peter’s, and also running the community café, Parry’s Café, from it.