Dear Friends, This Sunday is Advent 2. The third chapter of St Luke’s Gospel grounds, in history, what it is about to describe– for the events of God growing His kingdom within and around us are much stranger than any fiction we could dream up! – and, yes, these events really did take place, take time […]
Dear Friends, This Sunday is Advent Sunday. This season of the Church’s year invites us to prepare ourselves spiritually for Christmas. In many churches, the Advent Prose is sung throughout Advent at the start of Communion services: “Drop down you heavens from on high, And let the skies pour down righteousness”. It compares the goodness of God […]
Dear Friends, We come now to a feast of Ends and Beginnings. This Sunday is the last Sunday in the cycle of the Christian year, which ends with the feast of Christ the King, and next Sunday we begin our journey through time to eternity once more, with the first Sunday of Advent. We might […]
Dear Friends, On November 14th, Remembrance Sunday, we shall make use of the pandemic reality that it is two years since we marked Remembrance Sunday, other than online, and recognise our changed society by doing things just a little differently. As the numbers of virus cases increase again, it is wisest to do as many things as possible […]
Dear Friends, During this past week we have marked the Christian feast of All Saints’ and the solemnity of All Souls’. I have been reflecting on how easy it is for us to be partial and selective where God is generous and inclusive, and especially of how, when we think of great saints and holy souls, […]
Dear Friends, Most people are potentially quite volatile as we begin to move into what feels like the third Winter of Covid. Expectations have changed, but fear and apprehension have not. It is important, at such times to keep focussed on the hope that we have in God, and on the good of God which is at […]
Dear Friends, Conviviality and concerts, singing and celebration are returning to St Peter’s! Congratulations to Chris Mayne on organising a splendid range of jazz concerts in this past week – with one more still to come this lunchtime at 1pm and another two over the next two Wednesday evenings. Flyers are attached for your information […]
Dear Friends, Covid precautions are lifted on 19th July. For many, this is a cause to rejoice; but some are still very frightened and concerned to leave nothing to chance in protecting anyone at risk. Churches must be safe places for both and for the wide range of people who are of mixed mind on these perplexing matters […]
Dear Friends, Bible Study always repays the time we give to it. Lucinda and I greatly enjoy welcoming to our garden (18 Wimborne Road) anyone who would like to join our mid-week Bible Study at 4pm on Wednesdays. A group of us have been getting under the surface of what St John’s Gospel is all about, using Tom […]
Dear Friends, On Sunday, 27th June, St Peter’s Day: 8am Communion at St Peter’s. 10am St Peter’s: Patronal Festival Eucharist: I shall preside and The Rev’d Dr Paul Collins will preach. 10am St Augustin’s: The Rev’d Dr David Wheeler will preside and preach. 10.45am St Stephen’s: The Rev’d Stephen Holmes will preside and preach. If you […]