The Civic and Parish Church of Bournemouth

Welcome to St. Peter’s – Bournemouth’s Parish Church. A hub of culture and hope.

St Peter’s is a warm, lively and inclusive church in the open and liberal catholic tradition of the Church of England. We cherish education, music and literature, and we are evangelistic in our desire to embed personal prayer and Bible-study in the church culture and the life of our town.

Standing in the very centre of Bournemouth, we aspire to be the focus of Christian worship and our doors are open to all who live, study, work and visit here. St Peter’s welcomes the community to engage, participate and benefit from St Peter’s Church, its beautiful Chapel of the Resurrection and the historic grounds. Alongside renovating and restoring this wonderful Victorian building, we seek to make the building fit for modern and diverse community purposes, creating a significant safe space to transform peoples lives and the wider community through art, culture, education, literature, music and philosophy.

St. Peter’s is open daily for quiet prayer, usually between 10am and 4pm, on Sundays at 8am, 10am and 4pm for services and on Thursday at 12.15pm. 

Come and explore for yourself!