Our £175,000.00 restoration of the tower and spire of this beautiful Grade 1 listed building is underway.!!!!
Stage Four of our Development Project objectives!
So far we have restored the beautiful Resurrection Chapel which sits in our grounds, designed by Sir Ninian Co mper, delivered the “Stone and Voice” Project – telling the stories of all our brave young men of the Parish that died in the Great War that the Chapel was built to commemorate.
We have delivered the ”St Peter’s Grounds Re-Imagined“ Project which has included installation of the “Heritage Trail” showing where our famous poets, musicians, pioneers and the town’s founders are buried and a “Wildlife Trail“ celebrating our partnership with the Dorset Wildlife Trust, and detailing the huge biodiversity within our 4 acre woodland site. Picnic tables and log benches are scattered throughout the grounds, and can be used by visitors, locals and business workers who wish to escape during the day and sit within the oasis in the middle of the town, aways from the crowds.
This Stage Four is the start of the work on the actual church.
We want to preserve and improve the most beautiful, publicly accessible building that Bournemouth has, for all the amazing cultural events that happen here, for preservation of its amazing choral, bell-ringing and musical traditions and for peace, tranquility and respite from a hectic and sometimes overwhelming world.
What a team – what a building – come and see for yourselves!!