The Civic and Parish Church of Bournemouth

The St Peter’s Jazz Festival Week 2023

The countdown has begun…not long to go until the St Peter’s Jazz Festival Week kicks off with Susie Kimber Soul Band and a BBQ with The Dorset Hog & Sausage Tuesday 11th July at 7pm. Always an amazing evening of entertainment! 

Then each lunchtime, we have the Sara Harris Quartet on Wednesday, Zoe Schwarz & Rob Koral on Thursday, Sarah Bolder & The Godsall Brothers on Friday and we wrap up on Saturday the 15th July with Zoot Money & Al Kirtley at 1pm and The Dylan Ross Jazz Collective band in the evening.

Tickets are available on the door or via eventbrite. 


With grateful thanks to our sponsors:

Charles Stanley Wealth Managers, The Marsham Court Hotel, Lacey’s Solicitors, Arcade jewellers and Goadsby’s Estate Agents.

We would not be able to stage this community week without their invaluable backing and shared belief in the importance of putting on this community event.

We would also like to thank all of our performers, who also take part because they too share in our vision of making this beautiful space accessible to the whole community.

What a team you all are!