The Civic and Parish Church of Bournemouth

Weekly Message from the Rector – The Ninth Sunday After Trinity – 1st August 2021

Dear Friends,

Conviviality and concerts, singing and celebration are returning to St Peter’s!  Congratulations to Chris Mayne on organising a splendid range of jazz concerts in this past week – with one more still to come this lunchtime at 1pm and another two over the next two Wednesday evenings. Flyers are attached for your information 

It felt quite a step forward as I joined with the congregation last Sunday in starting the 10am Communion singing, ‘Alleluia! Sing to Jesus!’. We are singing just a few hymns to start with, but we hope to be back singing all five hymns at our Communion services by September.

In our three churches, give others a bit of space, please.  Although we are no longer required by law to socially distance, it is a fact that many are frightened by the fast spread of the virus, and some are particularly vulnerable. Our churches must be safe places for the vulnerable and fearful, as well as for those who are out-of-patience with all the restrictions of this past eighteen months.  Let’s consciously think of what might be best for others, and share our views graciously, never confrontationally.

Masks can be worn – although it is no longer a legal requirement.  Sanitising remains a safe practice. If you don’t want to be near to folk who are singing robustly, just quietly and politely move away. Our churches are large enough to accommodate people with a variety of views and vulnerabilities.

Communion will continue to be offered in one kind (bread only, dipped lightly into the consecrated wine) to those who queue, one by one, distanced, in the main aisle.

Take care, please, that you don’t lean over other people, particularly when talking; not everyone is likely to feel comfortable with that.

Might I, please, emphasise that Sunday School teachers are urgently needed, please, for September. We need volunteers, please, for teaching children in the Sunday School for the whole Parish, held in St Peter’s during the 10am Communion.  Even if you can only offer one Sunday per month, that will be very valuable. We shall offer some basic instruction, guidelines and support. Please, have a word with me.

This Sunday, Trinity 9, 1st August:

8am – Communion at St Peter’s

10am – St Peter’s: Communion with Holy Baptism:  I shall preside, preach and it is my privilege to baptise Edith James-Coombs, daughter of Harriet and Ben, who were married in St Peter’s not long before the first lockdown.

10am – Communion: St Augustin’s:  The Rev’d Steve Parselle.

10.45am – Communion: St Stephen’s: The Rev’d David Lund.

If you follow this YouTube link it will lead you to a Worship Video on You Tube. REFLECTIONS 9TH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY

There will be one more Worship Video next Sunday, kindly recorded by the Rev’d Bryan Apps, after which we shall pause the video offerings during the Summer holidays and resume them in the Autumn if it is clear that there is a need that they meet.

Next Sunday, 8th August, Trinity 10:

8am Communion at St Peter’s.

10am St Peter’s: Communion: The Rev’d Bryan Apps.

10am St Augustin’s: Communion: The Rev’d Chris Steed.

10.45am St Stephen’s: The Rev’d John Staples..

On Thursday, 5th August, in our garden, we shall hold a prayer meeting at 6pm.  Anyone who would like to pray for our town centre parish, and the work of our churches to serve it, is very welcome.

Welcomers in all three of our lovely church buildings can help to give the right welcoming message, this all assists in keeping the buildings open for the right purposes – as safe spaces for peace and quietness, for prayer and waiting on God.

After the Summer, we shall start Confirmation classes again for folk of all ages – do let me know if you might be interested.  I have four people so far – I’m sure there must be more! Don’t be shy  … (  for further enquiries).

Keep safe and well,


The Rev’d Dr Ian Terry: Rector 

DTh,  PhD, MA, FRSATeam Rector of Bournemouth Town Centre Parish,
Visiting Fellow with Bournemouth University,
18 Wimborne Road, Bournemouth, Dorset BH2 6NT
01202 554058
07733 336047