Dear Friends,
Tonight at 6pm, Bishop Tim will be sharing an Easter message on ITV Meridian News. Please do tune in if you can!
As we commence the Triduum we wanted to remind you of the Diocesan resources which are available to help you to mark Good Friday and Easter this weekend.
Good Friday:
The Cathedral Chapter will provide a pre-recorded service, lasting one hour, comprised of reflection, poetry, and reading. This will again feature Cathedral choral music. The theme will be ‘My Song is Love Unknown; Reflections on The Cross’ and will include veneration of the cross and prayer. These will be available, along with further resources, on the Diocesan website and the Cathedral website.
Holy Saturday/Easter Vigil:
English Cathedrals will provide a vigil comprised of readings and reflections on the theme of ‘Rumours of Hope: a vigil for our times’ with Paula Gooder and others, including poets. This will be available, along with further resources, on the Diocesan website and the Cathedral website.
Easter Sunday:
Bishop Tim will preside and preach at a pre-recorded Sunday Eucharist from Wolvesey; Sally Dakin will briefly reflect on the Easter garden. This will be available on the Diocesan YouTube channel, along with Bishop Tim’s Easter message. The Royal School of Church Music is inviting singers from around the country to join with the Cathedral choir and others (contributing remotely) in a special Choral Evensong. These resources will available on the Diocesan website and the Cathedral website.
Our next update will be on Tuesday 14 April. In the meantime have a blessed Easter.
With our prayers for you all,
Bishop Tim, Bishop David and Bishop Debbie
And the Bishop’s Staff Team:
Andrew Robinson, Diocesan Chief Executive
Catherine Ogle, Dean of Winchester
Peter Rouch, Archdeacon of Bournemouth
Richard Brand, Archdeacon of Winchester
Mat Phipps, Bishop’s Chaplain