Dear Friends,
As Holy Week commences tomorrow, we wanted to let you know about the resources and opportunities for shared worship which, as a Bishop’s Staff Team, we will be providing through the week. We know that many of you will also be offering ways to journey spiritually through the week to your communities and want to thank you for your creativity in marking this most important of weeks.
Please find our schedule for the week below. You will be able to find each day’s services and reflections on the Diocesan website .
Throughout the week:
Winchester Cathedral will provide Common Worship Morning and Evening Prayer each day, at 8.30am and 5.30pm respectively, via Zoom.
Every day there will be a reflection from one of our Bishops, Dean Catherine or members of the Cathedral Chapter which will follow the Holy Week story, using John’s Gospel as a basis.
Palm Sunday:
Bishop Tim will preside at a pre-recorded Sunday Eucharist from Wolvesey, with Sally Dakin preaching. This will be available on the Diocesan YouTube channel .
Winchester Cathedral will provide a reading of the Passion, featuring multiple voices from English cathedrals organised by the Precentors.
Maundy Thursday:
Bishop Tim will provide a video message about renewing our vocational commitment as disciples, BCMers, lay ministers and ordained ministers. This will be available on the Diocesan YouTube channel . A full Chrism and recommitment service will take place in the autumn.
Dean Catherine will preside at a pre-recorded Eucharist from the Deanery, including a sequence of foot washing, Cathedral choral music and a Vigil sequence.
Good Friday:
The Cathedral Chapter will provide a pre-recorded service, lasting one hour, comprised of reflection, poetry and reading. This will again feature Cathedral choral music. The theme will be ‘My Song is Love Unknown; Reflections on The Cross’ and will include veneration of the cross and prayer.
Holy Saturday/Easter Vigil:
English Cathedrals will provide a vigil comprised of readings and reflections on the theme of ‘Rumours of Hope: a vigil for our times’ with Paula Gooder and others, including poets.
Easter Sunday:
Bishop Tim will preside at a pre-recorded Sunday Eucharist from Wolvesey, with Sally Dakin preaching. This will be available on the Diocesan YouTube channel .
With our prayers for you all,
Bishop Tim, Bishop David and Bishop Debbie
And the Bishop’s Staff Team: Andrew Robinson, Diocesan Chief Executive;
Catherine Ogle, Dean of Winchester; Peter Rouch, Archdeacon of Bournemouth;
Richard Brand, Archdeacon of Winchester; Mat Phipps, Bishop’s Chaplain